About a year ago, the TRACEWINDU ship set sail during its Kick off meeting.
It is time to look back, now that we have our website and social media available, to remember the consortium meeting we held in hybrid mode during the last throes of the pandemic.

During this period, a researcher from the UAB – Dr. Gustavo Perez – carried out a secondment at INNOLABS to develop and coordinate the entire documentation strategy for the management of the project, the establishment of governance and implementation guidelines, the development of the dissemination and communication strategy and the programming of future activities. Being INNOLABS based in Livorno, during the visit a meeting with the partner UNIPI was arranged.

In addition, during the secondment, INNOLABS promoted several other meetings with a wide range of wine producers from the Tuscany region, presenting the project, the opportunities it offers, and evaluating the possibility of joining the project as observers of our activities.